I got my bridesmaid dress for Ericka's wedding over the weekend which makes it even more real that she is getting married in June. I really hope I can start saving up money again because I really need to get my plane ticket soon. I am so excited for her. And I am so proud of the person she has become. Ericka could have gone two ways and I can not even begin to explain how incredibly proud I am of her that she decided to take the path she is currently on. She found an amazing guy who treats her like a princess and she is working toward going to ACU to become a family and marriage counselor. She is not letting her past keep her down and hinder her in any way. Anytime I start to think of her and where she is now, what she has over come, and the beautiful person she has become I get choked up because it feels the same way as when I look at how proud I am of Sommer. She was there when I had absolutely no hope. When I was so depressed I was hurting myself to numb the pain and she never gave up on me. She was there through the highs and the lows and she still is. I know I can call her at any time day or night and she will be there for me 100%. She is an amazing friend and I am honored that she asked me to be her maid of honor ( a title to which I get the privilege of sharing with Heidi). I am so excited to be FINALLY going to Michigan to visit her and finally get to meet Heidi and her other friends that I have heard so much about.
Ericka, you are my sister and I love you to the ends of the Earth and back. I am so proud of the person you have become and I know you are going to be an excellent counselor, wife, and mother. I am truly honored and blessed to have you in my life and not just call you my best friend but also my sister. Thank you for being an amazing friend. I would not be the person I am today if we had never met in Mr. Thomas's sophomore English class and if we didn't have Mrs. Rice and Mr. Monotone together our junior year. You saved my life, literally, when I was at my lowest you stayed by my side instead of running in the opposite direction. You have been my best friend since I was 16 and I am so lucky to still call you that 6 years later. Thank you for being part of my story. I love you.