Sunday, September 11, 2011

reflections, thoughts, and opinions of 10 years ago and today

Today 10 years ago I was in 6th grade. I had no idea what happened because my teachers were instructed to leave the TVs off. It wasn't until after school when my sister and I were walking home that I heard about the World Trade Centers. And still, I didn't understand until I got home and my dad was there (because downtown Fort Worth had been evacuated) and had the news on that I saw. I can say that I still did not understand the magnitude until now. And as I sit in my room after watching several specials on 9/11/2001 I finally understand. The images of those buildings falling and the planes hitting them make me get a lump in my throat like I should start crying. I avoided watching 9/11 specials for years and I can't really tell you why other than I hate seeing horrible violent things on TV. Today is a sobering day for everyone that can remember this day ten years ago and it is crazy to think that every single child I care for at West Hurst was either a baby or not even alive during that time. To them September 11, 2001 is just like Pearl Harbor, WWII, or the assignation of President Kennedy is to me, something they hear about and learn about but cannot truly understand the effects of what happened on 9/11. They might have to go through airport security but to them it is normal. They'll see shows on TV and movies that have the New York skyline missing the iconic 100 story buildings that once graced it and to them, that will be normal.

This day 10 years ago united a nation. Now we unite one day out of the year out of remembrance instead of everyday out of the year out love for one another. Now we blame people of other religions for what happened when it is not even their fault or their religions fault. (go do some research on Islam and you will find it is a very peaceful religion. Just because you watch FOXNews doesn't mean you know the truth.) It has become okay, once again, to be racist and discriminate against people. When did we go back to that? When did having someone other than a rich white guy in office make it okay to be hateful? No, we do not have legal segregation, but this is no longer about race. Now people have turned their hate toward the LGBTQ group. Telling them they are wrong, disgusting, horrible people. Is this what our nation was founded on? Shouting hurtful things at people just because you do not agree with them? I thought our nation was founded because they felt persecuted. This country was founded by the rejects and losers. The people that didn't fit in and that wanted to have the freedoms that we talk so much about. The freedom to love who you want to and worship how you please. WITHOUT persecution.

This day 10 years ago united a nation. And every year we reunited for one day out of remembrance. Remembrance is important and in no way, shape, or form do I want anyone to think I am saying I do not think we should memorialize this day. But shouldn't we remember everyday? Shouldn't we be united everyday? Shouldn't we love and accept everyone? I might not agree with every person I meet. I might think their religious views are insane, that they know absolutely nothing about politics, and that the lifestyle they lead is one I would never lead myself, but that does not give me the right to judge and shove my views and opinions down their throats. Who says I'm right? Who says your right? Who gave you or I the right to judge? No one. Not one person on this Earth has the right to tell me or any other person the way we live is wrong and vice versus. We are called to love not to hate.

So please remember that, yes, today is a day to unite all of us, but so is tomorrow and the next day and the next, and until we die.

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