Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Everyone has little things about them that make them...well, them. Here are a few of mine.

  • As everyone already knows Switchfoot is my favorite band. They have been my favorite band since I was in 7th grade.
  • Anberlin is my 2nd and Justin Timberlake is 3rd. Everyone else I like is just kind of thrown in the mix.
  • I'm fairly certain I have OCD but I've never been formally diagnosed. I have to blow air through my straw and the air has to hit in between my thumb and pointer finger before I put a straw in a drink. I also have to have my FM 1 on KISS and my FM 2 on 89.7 before I turn off my car. If they aren't I have to turn my car back on and change them to the right stations. I also have to pull my door handle to make sure the doors locked. And, I have to listen to 24 by Switchfoot before I go to bed or a I can't sleep.
  • I make random noises all the time. Most of the time it's when I am doing something like walking down stairs or putting the code in to unlock my phone. Basically if am I stepping or pushing a button I feel the need to make a noise to match whatever move I'm doing.
  • I have more Switchfoot stuff than really anyone could ever need but I will probably never get rid of any of it.
  • I'm a pack rat. I keep all my TOMS boxes and movie ticket stubs.
  • I'm perfectly content laying on my bed doing absolutely nothing except listening to music.
  • To go back to the OCD for a second, I compulse on music and movies/TV shows. Whether it's a song, band/artist, or album it drives my family insane. I'll watch the same movie every night for months at a time. (current movie would be Titanic.)
  • When I start missing simpler times I listen to Hanson, Spice Girls, NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, and The Dixie Chicks.
  • I like One Direction.
  • My nose is still broken from 4 years ago
  • When my ADHD gets really bad I dance like a fool.
  • I hate veggies.
  • I'm a picky eater
  • Babies kind of scare me. They're so tiny I'm afraid I'm doing to break them.
  • My rubber ducks names are Jack and Rose. Allison says Jack's name fits him since he froze to death in Titanic and the duck is blue.
  • I hate people touching my feet. Even if they just pretend to touch them I freak out. And my toes are curling right now just thinking about having my feet touched. 
  • I'm more depended on my dog than I should be.
  • I was kind of lost after the last Harry Potter movie came out last summer. 
  • Sometimes I think Jon Foreman and Bono are the same person.
  • I didn't realize New England wasn't a state until a few years ago.
  • One time my sister and I tried to convince my mom we were only 14 months apart instead of 15 months. Needless to say she didn't buy it.
  • I have the maturity of a 5 year old.
  • I can identify a lot of songs within the first few seconds of the song. (Most songs on my iPod)
  • I have over 2 thousand songs on my iPod and I can think of dozens more music I need/want to get.
  • I feel invincible when I wear my rain boots, like I can walk through anything and not be touched.
  • I look forward to my Sunday afternoon nap every week.
  • I miss the 90's (except the clothing)
  • I love musicals.
  • Shiny/bright things distract me easily.
  • My car is named Fay after Liv Tyler's character in the movie That Thing You Do!
  • Both my dogs are named after songs. Daisy is a Switchfoot song and Penny Lane after The Beatles' song.
  • I've seen every episode of Boy Meets World and Friends multiple times and still laugh every time I watch them.
  • The movie Titanic gives me hope.
  • Anytime I see Jon Foreman put on another person's hat at a show my first thought is automatically "I hope he doesn't get lice."
So, there are a few really random things about me. Maybe you knew them, maybe you didn't, and maybe you don't care. Whatever you read it so Ha! (Proof right there I have the maturity of a 5 year old.)

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