Wednesday, November 27, 2013

13 for '13

So it's Thanksgiving Eve and like probably most of the USA I am contemplating all that I am thankful for. I could have done the Facebook thing where I post once a day what I'm thankful for but I would forget and frankly I doubt any one cares unless they are tagged in the post. So here it goes, in a season that has become more somber than celebratory I'm going to try and change my outlook on this time of year. Instead of hoping that I'll wake up tomorrow morning or Christmas morning and life will be all unicorns and rainbows I'll be thankful for what is in my life. Because, lets face it, looking at the good in life is a lot healthier than being a Debbie Downer about the things I can't change. So here it goes, what I'm thankful for:

1) I'm thankful to have a life where I can sit in my room and write this blog. A life where I have my own computer, car, room, phone, and bed. A life where I don't have to worry about where my next meal is coming from or if I'll get what I want on Christmas. I'm thankful for a life that provides for me.

2) I'm thankful for a school that doesn't give up on me and that gives me the kind of environment I need to succeed in. Yes, I make jokes about how DBU is the "christian Disneyland," and I am currently playing a game where I count how many mangers I find while walking around campus. (So far I've seen 3). And just like every one else at school I complain about having to go to chapel every week but despite all that I know that DBU is the place I need to be at. I am thankful for the faculty and the students.

3) Although I am never really at my apartment I am thankful for my roommates. I was really nervous putting my name on the looking for roommates list but I knew God had it all under control. Alexa, Halee, Leah, and Ashley you are truly blessings in my life. Thank you for welcoming me into your apartment with open arms and making me feel like I am home. Thank you for your guidance and love that you have shown me. And thank you for always pointing me back to the Lord when I start to try and do things on my own.

4) I am thankful for music and what it does for me. So many times there have been days when I didn't know if I was going to make it but I would put on my music and the perfect song would come on. "Music speaks where words fail" I don't know who said that but it's probably one the most true statements ever made. Any time I can't find the words to say I find a song that says it for me. I am also thankful that I have a wide variety of music to choose from. So when one genre, band, or artist isn't working I can go to another and find what I'm looking for.

5) I am thankful for Drew, Jerome, Tim, Chad, and Jon. I am thankful that I got to see them 3 times this year and hang out with them for a few minutes each time. I am thankful that every time they see me they get just as excited as I am to see them. I am thankful that they made the most honest film I have truly ever seen and that they make the most honest music I will ever listen to. I am thankful for the friendships I have formed (and continue to form) with each one of them. They are such inspirations in my life and I look up to them so much. Thank you for being some of the most wonderful people I have ever had the privilege to call friends and always making time for me when I see you.

6) I am thankful for a lifegroup full of people I can count on. It is interesting to think that I have only known these people for a year or less but I feel like I have known them for years. I know that I can share what is going on in my life with them and know they aren't going to sit there and try and tell me how to fix it or what an awful person I am for whatever it is. I am thankful to have a place where I can walk in (without knocking) and feel at home whenever I need to. (Seriously I'm over there more than my own house sometimes).

7) Emily and Kaitie. I am so thankful to have both you lovely ladies in my life. You keep me sane in the chaos that we voluntarily got into. You carry me in my weak moments and celebrate with me in my strong moments. After working in the student ministry for almost 2 years with out having any females to really connect with it is such a breath of fresh air to have you 2 there on Wednesdays and Sundays to help keep me pumped up and positive. I love being able to come in on a Wednesday or Sunday and talk you girls before hand if I'm having a bad day. It is so great to be able to get all the negative out before going and leading group.

8) To my junior and senior girls, you drive me crazy and I'm pretty sure you will be the reason for my heart attack one day I am so thankful for you girls. You keep me on my toes and keep me young haha. I love our group time and getting to have a time to know what is going on in your lives. You have blessed me so much over the past year and a half, more than you will ever know. You girls are the reason I am going into ministry. I love that we have a relationship where you are all comfortable sharing with not only me but every one else on Wednesday nights. I promise we will have a lifegroup outing soon. And yes, I know I say that all the time but I promise we will have one soon! I love you girls more than I could even begin to explain

9) Ericka and Allison. What would I do with out both of you?! Seriously my life would be down the toilet if I didn't have you two. You both are my twins, my other halves, and my same brain. I can tell both of you exactly how I'm feeling or what weird crazy thought is going through my head and know that you both will know exactly what I'm talking about and how I'm feeling. I can call both of you at 3 am and know that you will answer or call me back when you get the message. And if I don't answer the phone you will call me until I answer to make sure I'm okay. (Yes, that as happened before.) How I got so lucky to have not one but TWO best friends like you ladies is beyond me. I guess God just knew I needed both of you in my life. I am so proud of both of you and where you are going with your lives. Both of you have had your share of struggles and points in life where you could have taken two different paths and both of you took the better and harder path. But it made y'all the people you are today and those are people that I am honored and blessed to call my best friends.

10) Caroline, Rob, Sawyer, and Delia. It's crazy to think that 11 years ago I was a scrawny 7th grader going to 78 listening to Rob do series with themes such as The Simpsons and super heroes. It has been that long and it's been 11 years that I have been blessed to listen to Rob preach whether in student ministry or on stage as a teaching pastor. Oh, how time flies by! It's been 8 years since Caroline came to camp as a counselor and swore I hated her (which I DID NOT). It's crazy to think that 8 years later you have become one of my closest friends and someone that I always count on. I don't think that out of every one at Bear Valley I would've thought that I would still be in contact with, much less still be as close to, Rob and Caroline as I am. But I just keep following you guys around wherever you go and you haven't told me to go away yet so I'll keep following you guys until you tell me to stop. :) And your children are possibly the most amazing children on the face of the Earth.  I feel honored that I have gotten to watch them grow up and be a part of their lives. They put smiles on my face and I'm so excited to see them and spend time with them when I get to. Thank you for letting me spoil your children and be apart of all of your lives.

11) My sister, Sommer. Sometimes I still think she is really cool. Like to cool for me to hang out with and then she will do something just as strange as me and I remember that she's just like me. We seriously laugh at the weirdest things. And we do some of the weirdest things too, but we think they are hilarious so we do them anyway. I can't believe we got to see Hanson this year! Hanson! We've wanted to see them for 16 years! It was so much fun, and I'll still marry Taylor in a heart beat. Thank you for always having my back and protecting me (even though I am 24). I'm so happy that you don't have to go live in other places for like 6 months at a time anymore. Although Portland was awesome and I want to go back, but it's to far away and I didn't get to spend enough time up there when we came up. I'm so happy for you and Jonah (can't wait for him to be part of the family) and I'm so excited to be planning your up coming wedding!

12) So I have a pretty badass family even if they drive me crazy some times. We are probably one of the most functional dis functional families around. Thanks for everything you do for me. Thanks mom for always going to Switchfoot shows with me and thanks dad for always talking music and art with me. Thanks Gram for always taking us on trips, cooking wonderful food, and doing pretty much everything for us. Thanks Grandma and PaPa for being the funniest grandparents ever pretty much. Thanks for your continuous support of me going to DBU and I hope I am making you proud Grandma. Going to your almamator and having almost the same major. I hope I can be as good as you in ministry.  And thanks for not freaking out with I pierced my nose. I was kind of worried about that :)

13) If you hadn't figured out yet I'm going least to greatest in some form or fashion
(none of these are set in stone on their rank which should probably going 13-1 instead, except this one) in this list. So I am most thankful for a Savior that loves me unconditionally. With out a doubt Christ is the reason I have all the wonderful and beautiful people and things in my life. He never gives up on me even when I am being stubborn. He always knows what's best for me and even in the moments I question him, he continues to guide me and encourage me without a second thought. He put all the amazing people I have talked about in my life and has given me the life that I have so graciously been handed. He put that mountains soaring to the heavens and the oceans drifting off into the sunset. So thank you to God for your love, goodness, and truth. Without those things I would be nothing and I would have nothing.